Global Warming - Heat Wave at Our Doorstep

We now connect heat with Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases. Recently we are hearing more about heat wave, heat stroke and the Sun. 

The Sun is the sine qua non of almost.all forms of life on earth -  intimately dependent on its light, heat, energy and various other benefits. However now it is time to bring our attention to the fact that just as the Sun.'Nurtures' as in Photosynthesis, the Sun can also 'Injure' as in heat stroke. 

Know the Heat - Health facts and Be Alert! the sky may be blue, but the temperature may be on the yellow, orange or even red side

To read about photosynthesis, and how the Sun enables green plants to produce the food we eat, 

Download FREE -How Green Plants Energize Our Lives

Extreme Heat  - a Time to be Alert

In Nature positive and negative coexist.
It is up to us to avail the positive and avoid the negative. So now we need to know about the risks of the Sun along with the rewards, we need to know about the risks of extreme heat - heat exhaustion and its continuum leading to the more serious heat stroke.

Extreme heat generally include heat waves. A heat wave is a period of hot weather with abnormally high temperatures that continue for two days and more. In this context of heat wave and health issues, the old wise saying "Prevention is better than Cure" is apt even now. In any case, we have to equip ourselves with all relevant information to both prevent and address these life crisis issues, which have become a world phenomenon - across localities and countries in the current and near future.

Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

These short excerpts from and give us a glimpse of the harmful consequences and risks of abnormal heat conditions for our health and life. 

"Heat exhaustion occurs when your body loses excess amounts of water and salt, typically from sweating. On the other hand, heat stroke is a serious medical emergency that occurs when your body is unable to control its internal temperature. " -

"If heat exhaustion isn't treated, it can lead to heatstroke. Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition. It happens when your core body temperature reaches 104 F (40 C) or higher." -

This Lifeneeds and health topic has gained contemporary significance may get authentic information about extreme heat and consequent health issues from the suggested reading sites given below

Suggested Reading:
( Note : Article by ' The Conversation '
 See how air temperature and humidity affect our body temperature )

( Environmental Resilience Institute )

Global Warming
( Mayo )


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